Hospitality Suite / Lounge
You are invited to visit the Young Adult Hospitality Lounge in the Shawnee Hospitality Suite for breakfast, snacks, soft drinks, nap, or just to hang out and with other young United Methodists. Informal gatherings are planned during recreation/affinity group time each afternoon, and late night coffee will be served each evening after event programming ends. The hospitality suite is located at the far end of the Shawnee building near Mulligan’s Pub.
Social Events
- Thursday meet and greet: Young adults are invited to meet one another in the Tall Pines lounge from 3pm until the programming begins. The Tall Pines lounge can be found by following signs posted at the pool and Big Sky Lounge (between the front desk and the hotel buildings).
- Late Night Coffee: Conversation, good music, laughter and games will be found in the young adult hospitality suite from 10pm to 1am each night. Join us for snacks, coffee and great conversations.
- Sunday Lunch: Help us finish off any leftover food (pizza will be ordered if needed).
- Thursday All-Day Forum: Join OnFire and MOSAIC for a day of education and action. We'll be exploring methods of resistance, helping us to become better organizers and activists in our own communities. We'll worship together, and in the afternoon we'll start planning action for General Conference. If you're a young adult in the UMC and you want to work for change, you don't want to miss this! All young adults are invited to attend the worship at 2pm, regardless of registration status.
- Leadership Interest Meeting: Do you have skills and passion for advocacy at the national and global level? Do you want to plan an action for equality at General Conference 2012? Have you ever wanted to serve on the board of directors of a national organization? Join current leaders and alumni of the young adult movements for a discussion about leadership at the national level with MFSA and RMN. This session with conclude with an opportunity to volunteer to work with standing working groups, upcoming projects and event planning.
- General Conference Advocacy Planning: Everyone is welcome to this time of concrete action planning, preparation and mobilizing our grassroots organizers (YOU!) to participate in the work of our Common Witness Coalition to help our church follow God’s call for justice and compassion.
Cost Reducing Options:
We have done our very best to lower expenses and make this event welcoming for those of us at all income levels, but some costs are unavoidable. Here are a few creative ways to lower your costs:
Meals: For those who cannot afford to participate in the event meal plan, light meals will be offered in the Young Adult Hospitality suite. A $20 contribution to help cover the cost of food is requested. These simple provisions will include pastry and fruit at breakfast, sandwiches and soups for lunch, and pasta on Friday evening. Coffee, tea, and snacks will also be available in the hospitality room throughout the event.
Housing: The best way to lower your lodging costs will be finding roommates. A message board has been created for this purpose at: SANS 2011 Roommates. However, if you would be willing to sleep on a couch or cot in the young adult hospitality suite, a limited number of spaces are available for participants who will be responsible for laying out meals, making coffee, and keeping the suite clean and welcoming. You can fill out the application on line for this position, or email Audrey (RMN National Organizer) with questions.
Registration Scholarships: Sing a New Song provides a limited number of scholarships to help cover event registration. For more information or an application, email RMN Associate Executive Director, Rachel Harvey at Rachel@rmnetwork.org