
Monday, November 28, 2011

A prayer for the planet and its people (1st Sunday of Advent)

Crossposted from the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) blog prayercommune


Some very important discussions surrounding climate change are happening right now among world leaders–or, rather, are supposed to be happening. While poor island countries face the most threat from climate change, the world superpowers (and super-polluters) are dragging their heels to entering conversations that would lead to cutting carbon emissions.

To learn more about international decisions surrounding climate change, read the article that inspired this prayer.


This breathing pattern is designed to help you center yourself and wake up:

  • inhale sharply through the nose for 4 counts
  • hold the breath for 8 counts
  • exhale for 8 counts, making sure to let out all of the air

Repeat the pattern three times, feeling the energy flow through your body with each new breath. Continue to prayer:


Creator God,

This Advent season you call us to stay awake, and indeed—the briskness of winter, the flame of hope, and the season of expectation all keep us alert and attentive to your coming Kin-dom.

United with Your creation, we pray for courageous leadership in the care of our environment, God. We pray especially for our world leaders and the powerful decisions those co-inhabitors of our planet are making, even now as we pray.

It would seem that once again the man-made line that divides our love of self and love for others has prevailed. But You, O God, awaken us to a more abundant hope, one that brushes away these self-deceptions so that we can see that caring for the planet is caring for our brothers, and empowering the victims of climate change is embracing our sisters.

Like a match and the first Advent candle, ignite us with a new hope, a flame that shines as courageously as the poor crying out for change.

By this prayer, let us begin to embody the hope that we expect of our leaders, allowing this season of expectation to truly be one when we awaken ourselves and the world.


This prayer was written by Tyler Sit (Atlanta, GA), the LGBTQ Outreach Coordinator of the World Student Christian Federation-North America. He is currently studying for his MDiv at the Candler School of Theology.

Be in solidarity with the other people who did this prayer. Leave your name and city in the comment box on the WSCF blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Prayed watching the pacific - very peaceful today on the Oregon coast - a nice lunch prayer in my work day.
Rev. Brenda Wills